B.F.A in Painting, Department of Fine Arts, Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea
Solo Exhibition
CHOCKABLOCK, Gana Art Center, Seoul
HYEONGTAE MOON, Gallery Mac, Busan
HYEONGTAE MOON, Gana Art Nineone, Seoul
Fantastic Man, Gallery Sun, Seoul
Be With, MUE, Seoul
Gulliver, SH Art Project, Tokyo
Grimhilde, Gallery Mac, Busan
Apple, Printbakery, Seoul
Tagger, SH Art Project, Tokyo
Unicorn, Gallery Sun, Seoul
Going Home, Gallery Mac, Busan
siamese, Mir Gallery, Daegu, Korea
PlayGround, Gallery Mac, Busan
meditating submarine, Jean Gallery, Seoul
Cat’s cradle, Gallery Sun, Seoul
A stone in my shoe, Gallery Mac, Busan
After Date, Lotte Gallery, Bucheon, Korea
After Date, Lotte Gallery, Seoul
After Date, Lotte Gallery Gwangbok, Busan
True, lies of Life, Able gallery, New York, New York
Miss K, Gallery Sun, Seoul
Crown, Gallery Cheongan, Seoul
CAKE, Gallery Now, Seoul
A Door, Mac Gallery, Busan
Mr. Geppetto, Lotte Gallery, Bucheon, Korea
Mr.Geppetto, Lotte Gallery, Seoul
Candy, Gallery Now, Seoul
SAW A U.F.O, Gallery Mac, Busan
Jack in the box, Gallery We, Seoul
Rabbit Hole, Gallery Mac, Busan
Spaghetti, Gallery Ik, Seoul
I see you, Gallery Tongkeun, Seoul
Bobby Dazzler, Gallery Mac, Gallery Mac, Busan
Painter, Mac Gallery, Mac Gallery, Busan
INTERMISSION, KAIST, Management Graduate School, Seoul
Inspector Gadget, Gallery Mac, Busan
Drive - for strangers, Topo House Gallery, Seoul
Love is a lonely fight – Part 2, Gallery Mac, Busan
Love is a lonely fight – Encore exhibition, Topo House, Seoul
Love is a lonely fight, Topo House, Seoul
PlayGround, N-space gallery, Seoul
Learning language of language, Chosun University Art Center, Gwangju
Group Exhibition
심상과 물성, Gana Art Centre, Seoul, Korea
Physical to Digital, Shinsegae Gallery, Seoul Dear Friend, PBG Gallery, Seoul
Super Collection, Superiore Gallery, Seoul Happy Painting, Gallery Mac, Busan
Art Supermarket, GANA Art Center, Seoul
Happy Painting, Gallery Mac, Busan
The age of forty, Be deluded, Gallery Joeun, Seoul
Gyeongmin Kim & Hyeongtae Moon, Sun Gallery, Seoul
Hyeongtae Moon & Taeim Ha, Studio Kii, Paju, Korea
Happy Painting, Gallery Mac, Busan
Little Picture, Gallery Joeun, Seoul
Special Present, Gallery Sun, Seoul
Dear, My Wedding Dress, Seoul Museum, Seoul
Art Supermarket, Insa Art Center, Seoul
The age of forty, Be deluded, Gallery Joeun, Seoul
Little Picture, Gallery Joeun, Seoul
Special Present, Gallery Sun, Seoul
My Petit collection, Print Bakery, Seoul
Happy Painting, Gallery Mac, Busan
Spring+Flower=LOVE, Ilho Gallery, Seoul
Happy Donation, ARTSPACE H, Seoul
shopping my art collection, Lotte Gallery, GwangJu, Korea
Treasure Hunt, Gallery Grimson, Seoul
Artist socks project : step by step, Lotte Gallery, Ilsan, Korea
Artist socks project : step by step, Lotte Gallery, Seoul
Little Picture, Gallery Joeun, Seoul
Reload, Kidari Gallery, Daegu, Korea
CODE Taejung Kim & Hyeongtae Moon, Songadang Gallery, Seoul
Pinetree Uljin, Insa Art Center, Seoul
A Prolog, 640 Art Tower, Seoul
Happy Painting, Gallery Mac, Busan
New eye, Fun life, Gangneung Municipal Art Gallery, Gangneung, Korea
Be My Love, Lotte Department Store's Avenuel Gallery, Seoul
100 Art Collection, Lotte Gallery Gwangbok, Busan
Happy present of Superiore, Superiore Gallery, Seoul
Special Present, Gallery Sun, Seoul
Happy Painting, Gallery Mac, Busan
I dream Seoul Auction, charity auction, Jean Gallery, Seoul
I dream Seoul Auction, charity auction, Lotte Department Store's Avenuel Gallery, Seoul
Special Present, Gallery Sun, Seoul
CNB, charity exhibition, Gallery Jean, Seoul
Be my Love, Lotte Gallery, Busan
Love Haiti, LIG Art Space, Seoul
A good feeling, Sun Gallery, Seoul
I dream Seoul Auction, charity auction, Horim Art Center, Seoul
Cool Earth, Lotte Department Store, Seoul
No.3 of 33 people, CSP111 Art Space, Seoul
Happy Painting, Gallery Mac, Busan
We believe HAITI, Seoul Auction Space, Seoul
Moon Hyeong Tae, Park Su Man, Gallery Chungdam, Cheongdo, Korea
Happy Painting, Gallery Mac, Busan
Noh Joon and Moon Hyeong Tae, Bom Gallery, Seoul
Opening Spring, Asan Gallery, Seoul
Dreaming of Wanderlust, Mac Gallery, Busan
Seoul Auction Charity Auction, Horim Art Center, Seoul
Pure passion 3 colors, Art Gallery Chungdam, Daegu
New Reasons, Howard County Board of Education, Maryland
Warm painting, Gallery Alley, Seoul
Ark of the art, K Gallery, Seoul
Beauty of something small – 15 people’s art pieces, Cosmos Gallery, Incheon
Korea Saying hello, Mac Gallery, Busan
Hanging a wing named One mount, Onemount Exhibition Hall, Goyang, Korea
What is good is just better, Wcube Gallery, Seoul
Coffee Story, Gallery Research, Seoul
Intermission, Gallery Mac, Busan
Happy Painting, Gallery Mac, Busan
Kettle (酒展子) Drawing, Horim Art Center, Seoul
We believe HAITI, Seoul Auction Space, Seoul
The Intersection, DNA Gallery, Seoul
Intermission – New collection, Gallery Mac, Busan
Gallery eyesight, Bongsan Culture Hall, Daegu, Korea
Happy Painting, Gallery Mac, Busan
Pepperoni syndrome, Gallery Mac, Busan
Joyfully living together with art and music, Topo House, Seoul
Happy Painting, Gallery Mac, Busan
Topo House 3rd anniversary commemoration, Topo House, Seoul
2002 New Frontier, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
Mudeung Art Exhibition, Gwangju Museum of Art, Gwangju, Korea
Art World Grand Prize Competition Exhibition, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
Republic of Korea’s painting exhibition, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
BiciMyeonggyeong, Chosun University museum, Gwangju, Korea
Exit, Goongdong Gallery, Gwangju, Korea
Thinking, its new transition and spreading, Chosun University Art Center, Gwangju, Korea
Biography/ Artist Statement
문형태(1976년생)는 유머와 격투를 담아낸 꿈같은 캔버스에 일상적인 대상들을 표현합니다. 그는 CoBrA라는 표현주의와 초현실주의를 섞어 사용한 전위적인 그룹과, 원시적이고 거친 선으로 기름 화풍의 전형성을 깨버린 프랑스 화가인 장 뒤부페의 작품에 큰 영향을 받았습니다. 이러한 작품들은 문의 스타일 형성에 중대한 역할을 하여, 다채롭고 표현력 있는 다양한 색채와 얼굴 표정을 통해 내면의 감정을 드러내며, '마티에르'라 불리는 도료 사용으로 깊은 촉감을 전달합니다. 또한 그의 작품들은 대체로 주황색조로 둘러싸여 따뜻한 분위기를 조성하는데, 이는 흙과 물을 혼합하여 반복적으로 덮고 칼질하는 독특한 방식을 통해 달성됩니다.
문형태의 작품들은 사람들 간의 관계가 주된 주제로 존재하며, 이는 작가의 메시지를 나타내는 관계 코드 번호 신호로 변환됩니다. 숫자 1은 자신을 나타내고, 2는 관계를, 3은 가족을, 4는 사회를, 그리고 5는 고립을 상징합니다. 작가는 이 숫자들을 자신의 원작 캐릭터에 부여하여 상상력 넘치는 이야기를 구성합니다. 최근 작품에서는 예전 작품들과 비교하여 거친 선과 깊고 어두운 색조가 공존하며, 그림의 질감을 강조하여 성숙한 예술 작품을 선보이고 있습니다.
Hyeong tae (b.1976-) represents daily objects on his dreamy canvas with wit and wrest. He was interested in the works by CoBrA, and avant-garde group known for exploiting the style of expressionism and surrealism, and Jean Dubuffet, a French artist breaking out of he typicality of oil painting with his rough and primitive lines. Their work highly affects the formation of Moon’s style, leading to outstanding multicolor, expression of the face revealing his inner sentiment, and matière appearing a deep sense of touch.
His paintings, moreover, are surrounded by ambient ochre color, exposing the warm mood, since he applies this unique way achieved by a mixture of the soil and water, repeatedly covering and skimming it. A relationship between people is the main subject underlies much of his work, which is a signal of relationship code numbers that indicate the artist’s message. The number 1 means himself, 2 does relationship, 3 is a family, 4 implies the society, and 5 connects to solitude. The artist puts the numbers on his original character and makes a story with his imaginative narrative. In his recent work, rougher lines and deep and dark colors coexist comparing to the past works, and Moon shows his mature artwork by stressing the texture of the picture.

Oil on canvas

Merry go round
Oil on canvas

Oil on canvas