2012 M.F.A. Ceramic, Graduate School, Hongik Univ.
2009 B.F.A. Ceramic & glass, Hongik Univ.B.B.A. Department of Business Administration, Hongik Univ.
Solo Exhibition
heami lee, minoriminori gallery, Tainan, Taiwan
Scenes of time , Gallery Kabinett, seoul, korea
은빛 손으로 빚은 시간, B-tree Gallery, seoul, korea
Silver Porcelain, Gallery Document, seoul, korea
Our still life, alkov, pangyo, korea
The Gold lines , rooming, Seoul, korea
La book Selection, ddp crea, seoul, korea
Moment in vase , Craft on the hill, seoul, korea
Blue Christmas in july, Bu;uk, seoul, korea.
Group Exhibition
공예 낯설게 하기(Craft, Defamiliarization), lotte gallery, seoul, korea
A white garden, march gallery, seoul, korea
busan art fair, bexco, busan, korea
shilla arcade showcase exhibition, shilla hotel, seoul, korea
at home, the mansion, seoul, korea
공예,백색/ seoul museum of craft art(서울공예박물관), seoul, korea
ART JEJU, maison glad, jeju, korea
완상_아름다움에 대한 유람, 문화역서울284 RTO, seoul, korea
취향저격, gallerykabinett, seoul, korea
The atelier, fermate, seoul, korea
silver Christmas popup exhibition, boontheshop cheongdam, seoul, korea
my home:moment , gallerykabinett, seoul, korea
art&journey, ananticove, busan, korea
Into the forest, space445, seoul, korea
ART BUSAN, bexco, busan, korea
1000vase, galeriejoseph, paris, france
still life, 16p16p16p, seoul, korea
dutch parade, galleria, kwanggyo, korea
우연히 만나는 모양들, 산책, seoul, korea
A little piece of light, orerarchive, seoul, korea
Interior design korea, kintex, ilsan, korea
Seoul Living Design Fair, Coex, Seoul, korea
NYNOW, Javits center, NY, U.S.A
Ordinary days in innohome, innohome, seoul, korea
2018 Craft Trend Fair, Coex, Seoul, korea
작가와소소한이야기, YOUNHYUN Handmade Sotre, seoul, korea
일상에서만나는예술, Naver, bundang, korea
2017 Craft Trend Fair, Coex, Seoul, korea
Annual Showcase Gala, Chapter1, Seoul, korea
Un Dîner chez moi !, Gallery Merciel bis, Busan, korea
Fiber Art Fair, Hangaram Art Museum, Seoul Art Center, seoul, korea
Hands on the table, Space B_E, seoul, korea
Merci, Space B_E, seoul, korea
Boundless Seas, Space cottonseed, Singapore
It's all about material, YOUNHYUN Handmade Sotre, seoul, korea
I believe I believe...Space B_E, seoul, korea
The last Blue, modern market place, seoul, korea
Atmosphere, Space B_E, seoul, korea
A boundless ocean, spaceB_E, seoul, korea
BADA design/atelier 2011 S/S , F/W launchingshow, seoul, korea
It’s White, Doosan art square, seoul, korea
Graduate school of Hong-ik University Dept. ceramic, HOMA , seoul, korea
New generation of sympathetic Contemporary Ceramic Art in Asia, HOMA , seoul, korea
Contemporary Ceramic Art in Asia, Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum, nagoya, japan
Exhibition commemoration the 60th anniversary College of Fine Arts Hong-Ik University,HOMA, seoul, korea
CQ, HOMA, seoul, korea
It's red, galleryyiang, seoul, korea
Seoul contemporary ceramics exhibition, xigallery, seoul, korea
Art Fair
ART BUSAN, Gallery Kabinett, Busan
2023 ART BUSAN, Gallery Kabinett, Busan
Seoul Contemporary Ceramic Contest, Selection Award
Earthen Figurines Contest, Selection Award
Selected Collection
The Baltimore museum of art (U.S.A)
Ramada hotel sindorim (korea)
BADA Design/Aterlier Designer
Hankook Chinaware, Prouna, Twignewyork Designer
Artist Statement
호모 루덴스 (Homo ludens), 유희하는 인간이라는 개념은 문화란 원초(原初)부터 유희되는 것이며, 유희 속에서 유희로서 발달함을 주장하는데, 이는 이혜미 작가의 작업 철학이기도 하다. 흙의 자연스러운 질감을 어루만져 형성된 토대에 유약을 발라 굽고, 그 후로 은을 올려 다시 굽고, 연마하기를 반복한다. 작가의 작업은 정성으로 빚은 시간의 결과물이며, 작업의 과정 그 자체가 작가 스스로에게 큰 유희인 것이다. 이렇게 성형된 작품은 공간과 온도, 습도를 만나 자연적인 변화를 거듭하며 새로운 장면과 분위기를 연출한다. 시간의 축적은 작가의 주된 작업 기법인 자기 위에 은 (Silver)를 켜켜히 쌓는 기법으로 인해 극대화된다. ‘Hook’ series는 부조형태의 오브제로 ‘시간성’이라는 작가의 작업기조를 순수하고 오롯하게 담는다. 은(silver)는 황화 현상을 통해 은빛에서 금빛으로, 적빛에서 흑빛으로 오랜 기간을 걸쳐 서서히 변화한다.
각기 다른 황화 현상이 발현된 오브제들을 한 장면에 두고 바라보면 세월의 여러 장면을 대면하여 발생하는 일렁이는 감정에 머무르는 듯 하다. 작품을 통해 시간으로 숙성된 은빛의 변주를 체험하며, 흙과 은이라는 물성에 시간이 선사하는 아름다움을 포착해 볼 수 있길 바란다.
Homo ludens, the concept of a playing human being, is that culture is about playing from the beginning. It claims to develop from play to play and this is also the philosophy of Hyemi Lee. Glaze and bake the foundation formed by stroking the natural texture of the clay. After that, silver is placed on top and baked again, and the polishing is repeated. The artist's work is the result of time crafted with sincerity, the process of the work itself is a great play for the artist herself. The molded work meets space, temperature, and humidity and undergoes natural changes, creating new scenes and atmospheres.
The accumulation of time is maximized by the artist's main work technique, the technique of stacking silver on top of porcelain. Hook series is a relief-type objet that the artist's work principle of “time” is expressed purely and completely. Silver changes gradually over a long period of time from silver to gold and from red to black through yellowing. If you look at objects with different yellowing phenomena in one scene, it seems to stay in the fluctuating emotions that arise in the face of various scenes of time. By experiencing the variation of silver that has matured with time through the artwork, you can capture the aesthetics that time gives to the physical properties of clay and silver.

Low moon stool
Silver on ceramic
35 X 33X 30 cm
Moon hook object
Silver on ceramic
40 X 40 X 15 cm

Rising Moon
Ceramic, silver
27 x 27 cm
Unexpected moon hook object
Silver on ceramic
24 X 24 X 17 cm

Rising Moon
Ceramic, silver
27 x 27 cm / frame 41 x 41 cm