Since its opening in 2016, Gallery Kabinett has served as a space of communication about Korean contemporary art by dealing with fine arts and crafts. To lower the barrier of art to the public, Gallery Kabinett has been continuously hosting a number of special exhibitions and introducing leading young artists from Korea and other foreign countries.

Ultimately, Gallery Kabinett aims to enhance Korean art's position and demonstrate global young artists' talents. So, Gallery Kabinett will continue to discover new artists and provide opportunities for artists by introducing their works through various exhibitions. Furthermore, Gallery Kabinett will strive to broaden the scope of activities and actively support the artists' world of work.


2F, 29, Seongdeokjeong-gil,

Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

서울특별시 성동구 성덕정길 29 2층 갤러리까비넷

Telephone : 02-3409-2226

E-mail : info@kabinett.kr

Fax : 02-6455-3095


Tue. - Sat. : 10:30 - 18:30

(closed on Sun, Mon, Public Holiday)


Please check the gallery Instagram page for the most recent news and announcements


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Y30fineart. CEO: Hyungjung Yoo, Business License: 306-17-37117, 

Addess: 2F, 29, Seongdeokjeong-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Help Center: 02-3409-2226 (AM10:30-PM6:30)

(점심시간 : 12:00 ~ 13:00), 

Closed on Sun, Mon, Public Holiday

Y30fineart. CEO: Hyungjung Yoo, Business License: 306-17-37117, 

Addess: 2F, 29, Seongdeokjeong-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Help Center: 02-3409-2226 (AM10:30-PM6:30)

(점심시간 : 12:00 ~ 13:00), 

Closed on Sun, Mon, Public Holiday